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de Perú: +49 30 32 70 18 92, Fax (en Alemania) +49 30 32 70 18 91
Skype: bitpalast
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Bitpalace lifts the premium support requirement from its web servers and now offers affordable web servers and affordable web space.
Bitpalace has lifted the premium support requirement from its web servers. Web space is now available without premium support and has become more inexpensive. Affordable web space is new territory for Bitpalace, since up to now the web-hosting provider made a name for itself mainly with premium support and short problem-solving periods. Technical support with a personal contact was included in the price.
With its new, more affordable web servers, Bitpalace wants to find new clients, since affordable web servers are a gateway drug to web-hosting. Premium support will still be available for a low monthly rate. Clients looking for affordable web servers can waive the premium support and will receive free e-mail support instead.
Bitpalast GmbH
Sensburger Allee 27
D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
Contacto para entrevistas: Peter Debik M.A.
de Perú: +49 30 32 70 18 92
Fax de Perú +49 30 32 70 18 91
Skype: bitpalast
Otros servicios |
Starterserver: Servidor web accesible con PHP, bases de datos y mucho más desde 2,21 US$ () /mes
"servidor raíz más rápido": Servidor web rápido, servidor de raíz (servidor dedicado), servidores privados virtuales (VPS): El servidor Web de gran tamaño o el rendimiento del servidor Web con un montón de espacio (el espacio web de gran tamaño, con mucho espacio, mucha energía de la CPU). Web de sistemas de gestión de contenidos como Joomla o Typo3 servidor web para tiendas online. Espacio web para varios sitios Web al mismo tiempo.
de Perú: +49 30 32 70 18 92 • GmbH, Sensburger Allee 27, D-14055 Berlin (Germany)
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